MYERZ MEDIA LLC / Professional Videographer in Dallas, Oregon

Myerz Media is all about the customer. We offer video production for Broadcast Quality commercials for TV and the web, post-production, video editing, and website development. We start every project with a complete understanding of what you need and what you expect. Creating a partnership early will allow your project to be completed ahead of schedule and at a price you deserve. Most of our work is through volunteering our services to our local schools. Our local community is very important to us and so are you.


Audio Post-Production Church Services & Events Corporate Training Videos Digital Video Transfer (VHS, Hi8, etc) Editing Expertise Freelance Videographer Graphic Design Services HD Video Shooting, Editing & Production Logos Personal History Biographies Special Event Videography Voice-over Recording Web Video Production & Streaming Web, Cable & TV Commercials Website Design Services
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