Anchor Cinema / Professional Videographer in Carmel, California

Your wedding day is a celebration you’ll want to remember forever. At Anchor Cinema, we capture the spontaneous moments that take place throughout your day. Our videographers are professionally trained in both New York and Los Angeles. They focus on maintaining a low profile, focusing on the bride, groom, and the loved ones that have gathered to share in your love. Our photojournalistic approach to cinematography catches the special moments that can’t be staged or recreated, creating a wedding video that will be treasured for years to come. At Anchor Cinema we believe that a wedding video is a must have, unfortunately they don't always fit into the budget. We work with each bride and groom to make a package that is exactly what they want and in their budget.


Aerial Audio Post-Production Audio Recording Bat & Bar Mitzvah Videos Cameraman Church Services & Events Color Grading Convention Coverage Corporate Event Coverage Corporate Meetings Destination Affairs (On-Location) Digital Cinematography Documentary Style Videography Editing Expertise Engagement Sessions Wedding Videography Wedding Videos
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