Jeremy Ito Story Design / Premier Professional Videographer in Albany, Oregon

You get attention grabbing videos that stop the scroll and invite people to connect with your business or brand. Allow us to tell your story in a way that invites curiousity, builds genuine connection, and brand loyalty.

Instantly make your website better with video testimonials or a highlight video that feature your services or products. We specialize in video content for social media and have packages that include branding photography as well. We also offer one off projects or monthy retainer plans for a variety of budget needs.

Marketing teams, we love to collaborate and make content that stands apart and ultimately converts to real sales!

If you nonprofit organization has a fundraising event, we have 20+ years of experience in the NPO and Development world that we utilize to help inspire your donors to give generously.


Business Videos Digital Cinematography Freelance Videographer HD Video Shooting, Editing & Production Industrial Corporate Videos Insta360 Cam Interviews Licensed Drone Operator Marketing & Promotional Videos Nonprofit Fundraising Event Videos Performance & Fine Arts Videography Photography Services Post Production Product Demo Videos Promo Videos Small Business Videography Special Event Videography Sporting Event Videography Travel Videos Video Production Voice-over Recording
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