Moving Memoirs / Professional Videographer in Champaign, Illinois

Call to inquire for a low flat rate for your wedding day and request a link to an online video sample!!

Special events require special considerations, especially when you want to record your important moments into video memories that can be enjoyed by generations to come.

Having worked for 8 years as a documentary and video professional, I can ensure your wedding or other special event is recorded with broadcast quality images and exceptional sound quality. All DVD's include a fully interactive menu and chapters.


Church Services & Events Digital Cinematography Digital Video Transfer (VHS, Hi8, etc) Directing Expertise Documentary Style Videography DVD/Blu-Ray Production & Duplication Editing Expertise Freelance Videographer Motion Pictures Nature Performance & Fine Arts Videography Personal History Biographies Photography Services Scriptwriting Special Event Videography Web Video Production & Streaming Web, Cable & TV Commercials Wedding Videography Writing & Producing Expertise
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