Jack Temple Video Productions / Professional Videographer in Montgomery, Alabama

At Jack Temple Video Productions, we have over 20 years of experience in professional videography. We specialize in wedding videos, but my team and I have also provided video services for commercials, interviews, and other special events.

One of our favorite parts of videography is the opportunity to get to know a client and create a video that portrays their personality in a creative but professional manner. When you work with Jack Temple Video Productions, you can count on a final product that is polished, personalized and expertly filmed and edited.

We do more than just film the events of your wedding day. We capture your personalities by preserving the moments that you will want to relive from your wedding. Your unique wedding video will be romantic, sweet, and fun, and will help you cherish your wedding memories for years to come.

Our wedding videographers use several cameras to help ensure full coverage of all of the angles and events, but we stay in the background so that you can cherish every moment with your loved ones.


Church Services & Events Destination Affairs (On-Location) Digital Video Transfer (VHS, Hi8, etc) Documentary Style Videography DVD/Blu-Ray Production & Duplication Editing Expertise Freelance Videographer HD Video Shooting, Editing & Production Performance & Fine Arts Videography Personal History Biographies Photography Services Special Event Videography Sporting Event Videography Teleprompter Availability Trade Show Coverage Web, Cable & TV Commercials Wedding Videography
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