Image Integration / Professional Videographer in Berkeley, California

We specialize in sailboat racing. With two Emmy's for our PIER 39 Wells Fargo and Citibank Regatta coverage, international broadcast of America's Cup racing on San Francisco Bay and coverage of America's premiere 18' skiff circuit, no other company has the exerience and the staff to capture marine events and translate them to the small screen like Image Integration and the Marine Media Alliance. From scipting to shooting stills and video, from graphics to editing, from broacast to internet distribution we offer a full service to give you the best video possible. Latest Sony XDCAM HD equipment in house and ready to deliver crystal clear picture of exciting marine events.


Aerial Directing Expertise Documentary Style Videography Editing Expertise Extreme Sports Videography Freelance Videographer News Events Photography Services Sporting Event Videography Writing & Producing Expertise
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