Abell Videography / Professional Videographer in Lebanon, Kentucky

Abell Videography was voted WLKY's A-list #1 Wedding Videographer in and around the Louisvillle, KY area. Our 20 plus years of experience in the business of wedding and event videography has allowed us the opportunity to perfect our skills. Our service and credibility with our clients is unmatched. We use multiple, professional Sony high definition cameras (with the best low light rating), studio quality wireless microphones, and cutting edge technology to capture your event. Our relentless attention to detail, human emotion, and quality is evident in the final production that you and your family will cherish for generations to come.


8mm Film Digital Video Transfer (VHS, Hi8, etc) DVD/Blu-Ray Production & Duplication Editing Expertise Freelance Videographer HD Video Shooting, Editing & Production Industrial Corporate Videos Performance & Fine Arts Videography Personal History Biographies Special Event Videography Sporting Event Videography Wedding Videography
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