GLow Media Productions / Professional Videographer in Novato, California

GLow Media Productions is a full service, independently owned, video production company focusing on telling your story. Whether you have a corporate video or a family event that needs to be captured, we will give it the personal attention necessary to create a memorable experience. The equipment we use is truly designed to capture the highest quality images and sound so that your video can be viewed through a multitude of media, from the internet to HDTV to the big screen your project will be presented in stellar high definition.

Through collaborations with other independent professionals with unique talents, we are able to provide the highest quality at an affordable price. Our goal is to give everyone access to professional, studio quality video productions while staying within their budgets.

In addition to our pre-production and acquisition services, our editing services can take your existing footage and create the compelling story you envision. So, whatever your video production need, from editing a family vacation to creating a commercial for your corporation, contact Glow Media Productions to discover how we can help you achieve your goals.


Blu Ray Corporate Training Videos Digital Cinematography Digital Video Transfer (VHS, Hi8, etc) Documentary Style Videography DVD/Blu-Ray Production & Duplication Editing Expertise Extreme Sports Videography Freelance Videographer HD Video Shooting, Editing & Production Industrial Corporate Videos Motion Pictures Performance & Fine Arts Videography Personal History Biographies Photography Services Special Event Videography Sporting Event Videography Trade Show Coverage Web, Cable & TV Commercials Writing & Producing Expertise
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