Over 30 years experience of shooting stills and video, I concentrate on entertainment video but am very capable with one-on-one interviews, news and features. I shoot with a Panny HMC150 in 1080i writing to SDHC cards; light editing with hard cards or dissolves in iMovie, saved to either 1080HS or 720 HD. I don't usually transmit from the field due to large size of HD files (even at maximum of five minute pieces), but can if piece is saved as Medium SD. Frezzi MiniFill 50 watt dimmer on camera tungsten-halogen lighting with dichroic filter (changes color temp from indoor to outdoor) for more accurate white balance). Manfrotto carbon fiber 70" tall tripod with Manfrotto 503 fluidhead, and assorted Audio-Technika shotgun condneser mics and Sennheiser MD-46 cardioid reporter style hand-held dynamic mics, as well as AT lav's for sit downs.